Streaming2NPs is primarily the Portal to Mark & Gail‘s Adventure Albums and National Park Visit Albums, and the site of their Blog, Life with Lizzy.

Our retirement plan is Airstreaming the country to visit National Park Sites (and State Capitols, MLB Stadiums, etc.), traveling in The Beast and living in Lizzy.

Life with Lizzy “Blog”

The majority of our Blog posts are updates on Where Are We Now? or End-of-Adventure Summaries, which include a link to the related Adventure Photo/Video Album. The Overview helps us search for, say, trips when we visited a “Maritime Museum”?

Adventures & National Park Visits

Our Adventures and National Park Visits Pages provide direct links to our Adventure Albums and National Park Visit Albums (a growing collection, in various stages of development). The Albums are built with Microsoft Sway, organizing Pictures, Videos and Text to document our Adventures and visits to National Parks.)

Our intent is to keep current Adventures and National Park Visits Albums reasonably up-to-date. We will develop and flesh out older Adventures and National Park Visits Albums as time permits (lots of that, while home, self-isolating…we had 65 National Park Visits in Albums in June 2020, 101 done by September 2020, 123 by March 2022, not to mention adding 10 new Adventures).

More Background / Help Navigating

See Why? for more background on why we build the website and structured it the way we did. See Navigation Tips for a detailed overview on how to get around in the structure we built. (minor restructure, actually additions, in-work spring 2022, will be updated in Navigation Tips when complete).

For tips on Viewing/Navigating our actual Sway Adventure and National Park Visit Albums, see our Overview & Viewing Tips: