Leaving Lizzy and The Beast in Minneapolis

We just spent 13 days (~1,500 miles in a rental car) in 4 states …

  • Central Massachusetts for a Wedding (for Gail’s nephew), with her daughter joining us. She got to see all her Massachusetts Aunts, Uncles & Cousins. We also had a day to “recover” and visit Old Sturbridge Village.
  • New Jersey Shore, to visit Mark’s kids/grandkids for a couple of days. Gail’s daughter got a little time with them, too, before she flew back to Seattle.
  • Troy, NY for the RPI Bicentennial (OK, only Gail attended that) and the RSE Centennial …with tours of the changes lately made to the RSE House, a banquet Saturday night, and the unveiling of the RSE House National Register Plaque (and the conclusion of the RSE Capital Campaign, which means… Mark will now have more time for our touring!!!)
  • Pennsylvania, for an overnight in Scranton and another couple of days around Pittsburgh to visit Mark’s family there.
Scranton included a Brief Re-Visit to 1 National Park Site:

Steamtown National Historic Site (#14-Revisit), where we had an hour to look around again. Could have been 3 hours, but we lost 2, related to the Verizon Outage. (i.e. trying to fix our phones, when there was nothing wrong, but, Verizon failed to inform their front-line staff!!!)

And now we’re back in Minneapolis for a week
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Tom Keating · October 3, 2024 at 1:48 pm

It was great seeing you both last weekend.

Gretta · October 3, 2024 at 2:52 pm

I am glad you are not traveling where I was in June, they are devastated in Ashville.
Happy Trails

    Gail · October 3, 2024 at 4:40 pm

    YEAH!!! Awful. We were there the first week of April.

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